New Brunswick Public Service Pension Plan


The Board of Trustees is very pleased to announce that a cost of living adjustment of 3.70% has been granted to all NBPSPP members effective January 1, 2025.

Cost of living adjustments (COLA) are meant to help you keep up with inflation – whether you are an active member saving for your future retirement or a retiree drawing a pension.

To learn more about how this is calculated, refer to the Cost of Living Adjustment section below.

View the interactive version of your Fall 2024 Newsletter in the window below (the option to view full screen should be visible at the bottom right of the window), or view the PDF version by visiting the “Latest Information” tab below.

If you are unable to view the newsletter above, access the Active PDF version here and the Retiree PDF version here.

The Board of Trustees held this year’s Annual Information Meeting on September 25, 2024. They shared how the Plan is secure for members, sustainable for New Brunswick, and how the success of the Plan has allowed for COLA to be granted to members every year. The recording is available here.

Employee Statement of Pension Benefits

Your Employee Statement of Pension Benefits provides you with personalized estimated pension amounts as of December 31 of a given year. Your statement also includes information you need to use Vestcor’s Online Pension Estimate Calculator.

Need help with your statement? Refer to the information included below, and these helpful videos:


If you were an active member of the NBPSPP in 2023, your 2023 Employee Statement of Pension Benefits is sent to you in April.

For more information, refer to the document below.

Understanding Your Employee Statement Of Pension Benefits (NBPSPP)
Application Forms
General Transfer Agreements Retirement

Applying for your pension is easy, but it’s important that you understand the process and timeline. The video below provides an overview of the necessary steps.

Additional information is also available here: Life Events: Planning for your retirement.

Declaration of Marital Status FormPlanning for Retirement ChecklistPension Estimate FormTermination | Retirement Form
For Retirees
Newsletters and Other Information
Employee Newsletters (Active and Deferred Plan Members) Retiree Newsletters Other Communications
Helpful Videos

Above you will find a video version of the Employee Presentation which is usually carried out in person by Vestcor’s Member Services Team. It is separated into the following topics:

If there is a specific topic that you are interested in, hit play on the video above, then skip ahead using the controls that appear in the bottom left corner. You can also click on any of the topics listed.

Watch the full playlist on YouTube.
Life Events and Your Pension

Wonder how your pension could be affected by times of transition in your life? Easily find the information you need in our Life Events section.  Navigate through it based on what stage of your life you are in. It’s divided into the following sections:

  • Welcome to the Plan
  • Returning from a Leave of Absence
  • Ending a Spousal Relationship
  • Leaving your Employment
  • Planning for Retirement
  • Welcome to Retirement
  • Death of a Member

Click on the link below to experience it for yourself.

Life Events and Your Pension
About the NBPSPP
The Board of Trustees Annual Information Meetings Annual Reports Financial Information: Actuarial Valuation Reports Financial Information: Financial Statements Financial Information: GIPS® Total Fund Reports Governing Documents


For an informal pension estimate or a purchase of service estimate, visit our online calculators here.

About Shared Risk Plans

This video provides a general introduction to your Shared Risk Plan.


Contact our Member Services team from Monday to Friday between 8:15 am and 4:30 pm AST.

Toll-Free: 1-800-561-4012 
Fredericton: (506) 453-2296